Trustee Line

The Trustee Line is one of the communication tools available to the Trustees for the purpose of airing opinions about issues that affect the Trustees. This is the platform for Trustees to give a greater level of focus on any pertinent issue between the semi-annual Trustee conferences.

The Trustee Line starts a new edition on the 1st of each month. The previous month’s edition will be visible using the links provided below. Anyone who is a current or past Trustee is eligible to submit an item. Any subject pertaining to the Trustees is open for discussion by either starting a new subject or responding to an existing posting.

Although some of you may have things that bother you and have the need to get them off your chest using the Trustee Line, please keep in mind that we want to encourage your feelings, but it is also an objective for others to help turn your problems into a positive step with suggestions or solutions. However, it doesn’t always work that way. As long as the Trustee website guidelines are followed, the members will set the tone for what happens in this part of the website. If this venue is going to be effective, others should be chiming in with ways to change these difficulties or bring up issues that need to be addressed, in addition to asking for help, ideas and suggestions on any subject.

A side effect of the Trustee Line should be the ability to stimulate the readers into submitting items for the Trustee meeting agenda. If you look around the Trustee meetings, you will notice that many Trustees don’t get up to the microphones to voice their opinions on any of the items under discussion. If you are one of those people who are uncomfortable doing that, why not get some of your thoughts posted to the Trustee Line.

The Trustee Line is open for all viewers of this website and is intended for all members of Gamblers Anonymous.

Click Here to view the Current Issue of the Trustee Line

Items submitted will be posted as soon as possible for viewing

APPROVED BY THE BOT – BOSTON ’06The Trustee Line will be published on the Trustee website and will be under the supervision of the Trustee website committee that will also decide content appropriateness (Inappropriateness will include profanity, derogatory statements about another member or person, derogatory statements about another room and matters unrelated to Gamblers Anonymous). Disputes over the opinions of the committee and members who challenge the committee’s decision will be decided by the 3 Chairs of the B.O.T.


Submit an item to the Trustee Line
You can click this text to send your item to the Trustee Line. After doing so, you should receive a confirming email that your item has been received and should be posted to the current issue.

Should the link above not work, copy and paste this email address into a blank email:

Click Here to view the Trustee Line Archive