Submit an Agenda Item

To submit an agenda item for the next trustee meeting, please complete the following form below.
Items submitted to the Chair directly, will not be permitted.

If your item has an attachment, please email that separately to:

Per the Trustee Meeting Rules and Procedures:

Literature Attachments Pending Approval
No potential literature item can be handed out at any Board of Trustee meeting unless each page is clearly and diagonally watermarked in large letters with statements similar to the following:
This item is NOT GA-Approved Literature — It is NOT to be distributed or used in any GA room.

Only current or past Board of Trustee members can submit items for the Board of Trustees agenda. If you are not a current or past Trustee, please contact one and have that person submit your item on your behalf.

For any changes in GA approved literature, please click here to see the format to use when posting the item in the Agenda Item box just below.

If this format is not followed, the item will be returned for proper formatting.

  1. Do not type in all capital letters
  2. List the publication in which the item is listed
  3. List the page where it appears
  4. List the section, paragraph and sentence where it appears
  5. Describe the change(s) you wish to make, such as exactly what words or phrases you are looking to change, modify or delete. Do not include your reasoning
  6. Show what exists now by using the words ‘Current Version:’ and then listing the current text
  7. Show the edited version you wish to be approved by using the words ‘Proposed Version:’ and then listing the revised text
  8. For very large agenda items
    If your agenda item is very large, you can submit it via either a Word or Excel document, but also in a PDF form. Please send those files to:
    Agenda items submitted without such files will not be added to the agenda, until all required files are received.
  9. Review your item and click the button at the bottom of this form to submit.

    Current TrusteePast Trustee


    Current TrusteePast Trustee



    It will send duplicates if hit more often. Thank you.

    If you do not get a confirmation of this item being received within 5 business days, please click the ‘Contact Admin’ link in the top menu of the Website.