UnOfficial Trustee Agenda – Spring 2025

The Agenda is being compiled via categories. This rolling agenda shows the items as they are added; however, the final version will show similar items grouped together. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees, may elect to pick specific items of the agenda to be heard out of the order in which they will be arranged, irrespective of when they were submitted.

The final agenda and all other necessary documents will be available under the Meeting Materials link.

Please consult your Confidential Trustee Listing to contact any of the Trustees that have listed items in this or any other section. Let them know your thoughts about these items as they will be able to revise their items without limit and resubmit them up until 60 days prior to the next conference when the agenda will be finalized.

Category Entries Last Entry

Rules and Procedures

1 1/17/2025

Items Up For 2nd Vote

7 12/18/2024

Tabled From Cherry Hill

2 12/18/2024

Conference Bids

3 12/18/2024

Discussion  / Literature Changes / New Literature

2 1/17/2025

Step Changes / BOT Decisions / Allocations / Committee 


Total Items on the Spring 2025 Agenda

15 1/17/2025






Combo Book Changes – Addition

Combo Book Changes during the years XXX0 and XXX5 will be submitted during the Spring Conference only.

Butch G – Area 3A – Website Chair





2. CURRENT LITERATURE Guidance Code Change

Guidance Code – Article VIII – Board of Trustees – Section 6A:

Add the words “either physical or virtual “ at the end of the section to allow for online trustee meetings.

Current Version: – Current Trustees who cannot physically attend a Trustee meeting can only be represented by submitting an absentee ballot. The Board of Trustees will designate the voting provisions of absentee ballots. Proxies will not be allowed for any aspect of any Trustee meetings, physical or otherwise.

Proposed Version: – Trustees who cannot physically attend a Trustee meeting can only be represented by submitting an absentee ballot. The Board of Trustees will designate the voting provisions of absentee ballots. Proxies will not be allowed for any aspect of any Trustee meetings, either physical or virtual or otherwise.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee

Item passed.
For 90 Against 8 1st Vote. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


 Guidance Code – Article VIII – Board of Trustees – Section 9:

Add the words “either physical or virtual “ at the end of the section to allow for online trustee meetings.

Current Version: – To change the Twelve Steps of RECOVERY and Twelve Step UNITY PROGRAM, it shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority by not less than the physical presence of 2/3 of the eligible voting members of the Board of Trustees at two (2) consecutive physical meetings.

Proposed Version: – To change the Twelve Steps of RECOVERY and Twelve Step UNITY PROGRAM, it shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority by not less than the physical or verified virtual presence of 2/3 of the eligible voting members of the Board of Trustees at two (2) consecutive meetings either physical or virtual meetings.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee

For 89 Against 8 1st Vote



Guidance Code Change

Guidance Code – Article VIII – Board of TrusteesSection 11: Remove the word “physical after the word consecutive and add the words after the word meetings “either physical or virtual,” to allow for online trustee meetings

Current Version: – The Board of Trustees unequivocally will have the sole right to add to, delete or change any word of the Twelve Steps of RECOVERY, the Twelve Step UNITY PROGRAM and Page 8 the Twenty Questions. All Gamblers Anonymous literature or books must be first approved by the Board of Trustees before being published. No changes can be made in any Gamblers Anonymous literature by the International Service Office (I.S.O.) without the approval of the Board of Trustees. Changes can only be made by the Board of Trustees at two (2) consecutive physical meetings of the Board of Trustees. Deletions of any literature must be done by the same procedure used to approve them, omitting any procedures through a merit vote

Proposed Version: – The Board of Trustees unequivocally will have the sole right to add to, delete or change any word of the Twelve Steps of RECOVERY, the Twelve Step UNITY PROGRAM and Page 8 the Twenty Questions. All Gamblers Anonymous literature or books must be first approved by the Board of Trustees before being published. No changes can be made in any Gamblers Anonymous literature by the International Service Office (I.S.O.) without the approval of the Board of Trustees. Changes can only be made at two (2) consecutive meetings either physical or virtual, of the Board of Trustees. Deletions of any literature must be done by the same procedure used to approve them, omitting any procedures through a merit vote.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee

For 90 Against 5 1st Vote


5. CURRENT LITERATURE Guidance Code Change

Article IX – Officers of the Board of Trustees Section 2: Add the words “either physical or virtual” after the word meeting, in the section talking about an election for a new #2 Co-Chair will be held at the next Board of Trustees meeting

Current Version: – If the Chair is temporarily unable to carry out the duties and responsibilities required of that office, then the #1 Co-Chair will contemporaneously handle such issues, until the Chair is able to resume those same issues. Consent to do so, must be unanimously agreed upon by the remaining members of the Executive Board and the International Executive Secretary. If any Executive Board member is permanently unable to carry out the duties and responsibilities of their respective positions, all remaining Executive Board members will move up to the next higher position. An election for a new #2 Co-Chair will be held at the next physical Board of Trustees meeting to fill the resultant open position on the Executive Board.

Proposed Version: – If the Chair is temporarily unable to carry out the duties and responsibilities required of that office, then the #1 Co-Chair will contemporaneously handle such issues, until the Chair is able to resume those same issues. Consent to do so, must be unanimously agreed upon by the remaining members of the Executive Board and the International Executive Secretary. If any Executive Board member is permanently unable to carry out the duties and responsibilities of their respective positions, all remaining Executive Board members will move up to the next higher position. An election for a new #2 Co-Chair will be held at the next Board of Trustees meeting, either physical or virtual, to fill the resultant open position on the Executive Board.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee

For 88 Against 8 1st Vote


6. CURRENT LITERATURE Guidance Code Change

Article XVII – Area Location of Trustees

To remove the word physical before “Trustee meeting” to allow for online Trustee meetings.

Current Version: – Existing areas that wish to redefine their borders, new areas previously not covered by any other Gamblers Anonymous area that wish to be recognized, and new areas that wish to be recognized by splitting off from existing areas in any configuration, may submit agenda items to accomplish this at any physical Trustee meeting, as needed by the areas concerned, providing they follow such procedures, as outlined in the Guidance Code. This also applies for any area that wishes to change the number of Trustees allocated to them.

Proposed Version: – Existing areas that wish to redefine their borders, new areas previously not covered by any other Gamblers Anonymous area that wish to be recognized, and new areas that wish to be recognized by splitting off from existing areas in any configuration, may submit agenda items to accomplish this at any Trustee meeting, as needed by the areas concerned, providing they follow such procedures, as outlined in the Guidance Code. This also applies for any area that wishes to change the number of Trustees allocated to them.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee

Motion amended to match previous items.
Original motion passed For 62 Against 3.
Amended motion passed For 64 Against 4 1st Vote


7. CURRENT LITERATURE Guidance Code Change

Article XVIII – Election of Trustees – Section 7:

To remove the word physical before the word meeting and add the words Board of Trustees to allow for online trustee meetings.

Current Version: – Election for the Chair of the Board of Trustees and any other officer of the Board of Trustees will take place at the first physical meeting in the odd year. Current trusted servants carry on until trusted servants are elected.

Proposed Version: – Election for the Chair of the Board of Trustees and any other officer of the Board of Trustees will take place at the first Board of Trustees meeting in the odd year. Current trusted servants carry on until trusted servants are elected.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee

For 61 Against 2 1st Vote.


8. CURRENT LITERATURE – Other Existing Literature

 Working the Steps Pamphlet – Step 4. Page 7. Paragraph 1. Sentence 3

 “sponsor or equivalent”

Current Version: Then acquire a senior partner much greater than oneself to guide and accompany you through the remaining steps.

Proposed Version: Then acquire a sponsor or equivalent to guide and accompany you through the remaining steps.

Doug E – Area 3A – San Diego California

Amended (first): Then find a sponsor or mentor or trusted servant to guide and accompany you through the remaining steps.
This amendment failed.
Amended (second): Then collaborate with a sponsor or an experienced GA member to guide and accompany you through the remaining steps.
This amendment failed.
Amended (third): Then acquire a sponsor or trusted servant to guide and accompany you through the remaining steps.
This amendment passed.














9. RULES AND PROCEDURES – Item #1 in Cherry Hill

Trustee Meeting

Create a new category for Trustee Meetings – Digital Trustee Meeting

Current Version: – None

Proposed Version: – Create a new category outlining the Rules and Procedures for a Digital Trustee Meeting.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee


10. CURRENT LITERATURE – Guidance Code Item #35 in Cherry Hill

Guidance Code – Article XI, new section 9

Add Section 9:
Any area outside the United States may form a Board of Directors in order to comply with the current laws of each country. The function, structure and objectives of this Board of Directors will be based on the guidelines of the Board of Regents detailed in the Guidance Code.
The term of service of the Directors will be two years.
The members who make up said Council must comply with the legal requirements in force in each country and have at least two years of abstinence and regular attendance (by their own admission).
Any Director is automatically removed from service for gambling on his own admission.
Members must establish an address no more than 100 km (62 miles) from the R.S.O.
The Chair of the Board of Directors undertakes to call a monthly meeting, verify with members designated for this purpose a review of a monthly balance of the R.S.O
The Board of Directors will have the obligation to send the meeting minutes to the I.S.O., the RSO and all the groups in the area of membership.

Current Version: – None

Proposed Version: – Guide Code – Article XI – Add Section 9:
Any area outside the United States may form a Board of Directors in order to comply with the current laws of each country. The function, structure and objectives of this Board of Directors will be based on the guidelines of the Board of Regents detailed in the Guidance Code.
The term of service of the Directors will be two years.
The members who make up said Council must comply with the legal requirements in force in each country and have at least two years of abstinence and regular attendance (by their own admission).
Any Director is automatically removed from service for gambling on his own admission.
Members must establish an address no more than 100 km (62 miles) from the R.S.O.
The Chair of the Board of Directors undertakes to call a monthly meeting, verify with members designated for this purpose a review of a monthly balance of the R.S.O
The Board of Directors will have the obligation to send the meeting minutes to the I.S.O., the RSO and all the groups in the area of membership.

Ara H on behalf of Leo R – Area 1 – Central California, Los Angeles Area, and Hawaii







11. – Fall 2025 Conference

This will be a Board of Trustees meeting only. More information will be forthcoming.
This item chaired by Pete K., Chair.


12. – Spring 2026 Conference

The Spring 2025 Conference is open for bids.

This item chaired by Pete K., Chair.


13. – Fall 2026 Conference

The Fall 2026 Conference is open for bids


Discussion / Literature Changes / New Literature





The Fellowship of Gamblers Anonymous of Area 20, Uruguay requests to have a trustee reinstated for our Area.

Ana C. – Past Trustee – Uraguay






Combo Book – 20 Questions – Page 16 Number 12

Current Version: – #12 Were you reluctant to use “gambling money” for normal expenditures?

Proposed Version: –  #12 Were you reluctant to use “gambling money” to pay bills or other normal expenses?

Mike A – Area 6C – North Carolina
















