UnOfficial Trustee Agenda – Fall 2024

The Agenda is being compiled via categories. This rolling agenda shows the items as they are added; however, the final version will show similar items grouped together. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees, may elect to pick specific items of the agenda to be heard out of the order in which they will be arranged, irrespective of when they were submitted.

The final agenda and all other necessary documents will be available under the Meeting Materials link.

Please consult your Confidential Trustee Listing to contact any of the Trustees that have listed items in this or any other section. Let them know your thoughts about these items as they will be able to revise their items without limit and resubmit them up until 60 days prior to the next conference when the agenda will be finalized.

Category Entries Last Entry

Rules and Procedures


Items Up For 2nd Vote

14 6/11/2024

Tabled From Pleasanton

5 6/11/2024

Conference Bids


Discussion  / Literature Changes / New Literature

8 6/29/2024

Step Changes / BOT Decisions / Allocations / Committee 


Total Items on the Spring 2024 Agenda

30 6/29/2024







1.) LITERATURE – Guidance Code Change – Item 22 in Pleasanton

Article VIII – Board of Trustees -Section 4:

Add the words “either physical or virtual” at the end of the section to allow for online trustee meetings.

Current: Any Trustee is automatically removed from office for gambling by his/her own admission. Current or past Trustees who return to gambling and subsequently come back to G.A. should not have a voice at the BOT meeting until they have 2 years of abstinence, the same qualification as becoming a Trustee. Gambling, for the compulsive gambler, is defined as follows: Any betting or wagering, for self or others, whether for money or not, no matter how slight or insignificant, where the outcome is uncertain or depends upon chance or “skill” constitutes gambling. He or she may be removed for other acts on his or her part, which are detrimental to Gamblers Anonymous as a whole, as per established Trustee Removal Procedures, or for not attending Gamblers Anonymous meetings. Removal requires 2/3 vote for expulsion by the Board of Trustees at the next physical meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Proposed: Any Trustee is automatically removed from office for gambling by his/her own admission. Current or past Trustees who return to gambling and subsequently come back to G.A. should not have a voice at the BOT meeting until they have 2 years of abstinence, the same qualification as becoming a Trustee. Gambling, for the compulsive gambler, is defined as follows: Any betting or wagering, for self or others, whether for money or not, no matter how slight or insignificant, where the outcome is uncertain or depends upon chance or “skill” constitutes gambling. He or she may be removed for other acts on his or her part, which are detrimental to Gamblers Anonymous as a whole, as per established Trustee Removal Procedures, or for not attending Gamblers Anonymous meetings. Removal requires 2/3 of the voting members of the Board of Trustees at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.

Butch G. – Area 3A – Digital Meeting Committee

The third amendment passed 39 For and 9 Against


2. – LITERATURE – Guidance Code Change – Item #30 in Pleasaton

Article XIII, Section 1 — Board of Regents – Add to the last sentence as follows: “In addition, the Chair of the Board of Trustees, or designee from the Board of Trustees Executive Team, shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Board of Regents.”

Current Version: Article XIII – Board of Regents – Section 1: The International Service Office (I.S.O.) shall be guided by a Board of Regents of nine (9) members of Gamblers Anonymous who have abstained from gambling for at least two (2) years. This Board shall be elected at the Spring Board of Trustees Meeting of the odd years. (Every 2 years).

Proposed Version: Article XIII – Board of Regents – Section 1: The International Service Office (I.S.O.) shall be guided by a Board of Regents of nine (9) members of Gamblers Anonymous who have abstained from gambling for at least two (2) years. This Board shall be elected at the Spring Board of Trustees Meeting of the odd years. (Every 2 years). In addition, the Chair of the Board of Trustees, or designee from the Board of Trustees Executive Team, shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Board of Regents.

Jack R. – Area 1A – Orange County, California

1st Vote For 78 Against 5


3. – LITERATURE – Current Literature – Item # 31 in Pleasanton

Guidance Code – Article III – Objects -Section 1:
The specific and primary purposes for which this Fellowship is formed are as follows:

1). To contact compulsive gamblers no matter where they may be and help them overcome a gambling problem. To Remove item 1. To contact compulsive gamblers no matter where they may be and help them overcome a gambling problem.

Current Version: –  Article III – Objects -Section 1:
The specific and primary purposes for which this Fellowship is formed are as follows:

1). To contact compulsive gamblers no matter where they may be and help them overcome a gambling problem.
2). To carry the message of Gamblers Anonymous to the compulsive gambler who still suffers, through the medium of personal contact, telephone, mail, newspapers, films, radio, television, houses of worship, charitable organizations, service clubs, Internet and by whatever dignified method that is approved by the Board of Trustees within the framework of the Unity Program.
3). To distribute Gamblers Anonymous literature to compulsive gamblers and to any person, organization or institution which desires some.
4). To encourage interest and knowledge of the activities and program of Gamblers Anonymous with the peace officers, educational institutions, penal institutions, judges, probation officers, parole officers, doctors, newspapers, motion picture companies, radio broadcasting companies, television broadcasting companies, houses of worship, charitable organizations and service clubs of the world.

Proposed Version: – Article III – Objects – Section 1:
The specific and primary purposes for which this Fellowship is formed are as follows:

1). To carry the message of Gamblers Anonymous to the compulsive gambler who still suffers, through the medium of personal contact, telephone, mail, newspapers, films, radio, television, houses of worship, charitable organizations, service clubs, Internet and by whatever dignified method that is approved by the Board of Trustees within the framework of the Unity Program.
2). To distribute Gamblers Anonymous literature to compulsive gamblers and to any person, organization or institution which desires some.
3). To encourage interest and knowledge of the activities and program of Gamblers Anonymous with the peace officers, educational institutions, penal institutions, judges, probation officers, parole officers, doctors, newspapers, motion picture companies, radio broadcasting companies, television broadcasting companies, houses of worship, charitable organizations and service clubs of the world.

Marc L – Area 3D – Arizona and New Mexico

1st Vote Item passed


4. LITERATURE – Guidance Code Change – Item #66 in Pleasanton

Article XIX – Voting

Current Version: Institutional groups or meetings that do not meet in a physical location will not be allowed to vote on any issues which affect groups other than their own.

Section 3: None

Proposed Version: Section 3: – Groups that take place on a virtual platform and are part of an Intergroup or area will be eligible to vote on any issues coming from their Intergroup, including elections: assuming they have met the (3) month probation period, as outlined in the Guidance Code, Article X, Section 5.

Steve F. – Area 1, Central California, Los Angeles Area, and Hawaii

1st Vote For 46 Against 10


5. – LITERATURE – Guidance Code Change – Item #33 in Pleasanton

Article XIII – Board of Regents – Section 6 – To change Article XIII – Board of Regents – Section 6. Remove acceptance of a “written proxy” to maintain consistency with the Gamblers Anonymous By-Laws. (Art. III, Sect. 6)

Current Version: – Article XIII –Board of Regents Section 6:

Five (5) members of the Board of Regents shall constitute a quorum. Only a written proxy shall be counted in determining the number present for the purpose of a quorum.

Proposed Version: – Article XIII – Board of Regents Section 6:

Five (5) members of the Board of Regents shall constitute a quorum. The Board of Regents does not acknowledge proxies in any form.

Bob C. – Area 3A – San Diego, California

1st Vote For 80 Against 8


6. – LITERATURE – Guidance Code Change – Item #34 in Pleasanton

Article XVI – International Executive Secretary and the Office Manager – Section. 2 – To change Article XVI – International Executive Secretary and the Office Manager – Section 2. – restructuring Section 2 to separate “other acts detrimental to Gamblers Anonymous as a whole” from the definition of gambling.

Current Version: –  Article XVI – International Executive Secretary and the Office Manager
Section 2:

The International Executive Secretary is automatically removed from office for gambling by his/her own admission. Gambling, for the compulsive gambler is defined as follows: Any betting or wagering, for self or others, whether for money or not, no matter how slight or insignificant, where the outcome is uncertain or depends upon chance or “skill” constitutes gambling, or other acts on his/her part that are detrimental to Gamblers Anonymous as a whole. Should the International Executive Secretary be terminated or unable to carry out the functions, duties and responsibilities of the position, the Chair of the Board of Regents will temporarily assume the position of the International Executive Secretary until the Board of Regents hires a permanent International Executive Secretary.

Proposed Version: – Article XVI – International Executive Secretary and the Office Manager
Section 2:

The International Executive Secretary is automatically removed from office for gambling by his/her own admission, or committing any act that is detrimental to Gamblers Anonymous as a whole. Gambling, for the compulsive gambler is defined as follows: Any betting or wagering, for self or others, whether for money or not, no matter how slight or insignificant, where the outcome is uncertain or depends upon chance or “skill” constitutes gambling. Should the International Executive Secretary be terminated or unable to carry out the functions, duties and responsibilities of the position, the Chair of the Board of Regents will temporarily assume the position of the International Executive Secretary until the Board of Regents hires a permanent International Executive Secretary.

Bob C. – Area 3A – San Diego, California

1st Vote For 65 Against 6


7 – LITERATURE – Guidance Code Change – Item #36 in Pleasanton

Article XIX – Voting -Section 2 – remove meetings that do not meet in a physical location (ie. virtual meeting) from this section that limits their ability to vote on matters that affect other groups or Gamblers Anonymous as a whole.

Current Version: –  Article XIX – Voting – Section 2:
Institutional groups or meetings that do not meet in a physical location will not be allowed to vote on any issues, which affect groups other than their own.

Proposed Version: – Article XIX – Voting – Section 2:

Institutional groups will not be allowed to vote on any issues, which affect groups other than their own.

Bob C. – Area 3A – San Diego, California

1st Vote For 53 Against 14


8. – LITERATURE – Guidance Code Change – Item #37 in Pleasanton

Article XX – Amendments – Section 3 – o change Article XX – Amendments Section 3. – clarifying the responsibilities of the International Executive Secretary and adding the Office Manager with regard to the maintenance of the Gamblers Anonymous Guidance Code.

Current Version: –  Article XX – Amendments – Section 3:

An up-to-date permanent file of the Guidance Code shall be maintained by the International Executive Secretary of the International Service Office (I.S.O.) and a current copy (including all and any amendments or replacements) shall be made available during office hours for inspection by any member.

Proposed Version: – Article XX – Amendments – Section 3:

An up-to-date permanent file of the Guidance Code shall be maintained by the International Executive Secretary and a current copy (including all and any amendments or replacements) shall be maintained by the Office Manager and made available during office hours for inspection by any member.

Bob C. – Area 3A – San Diego, California

1st Vote For 78 Against 4


9. – LITERATURE – Guidance Code Change – Item #38 in Pleasanton

Article VIII – Board of Trustees – Section 1A – To change Article VIII – Board of Trustees – Section 1A. Restating the influence of the Guidance Code over Board of Trustee decisions and as well as including the Recovery and Unity Steps to Board of Trustee decision making.

Current Version: – Article VIII – Board of Trustees – Section 1A.

All decisions of the Board of Trustees, passed in the form of a motion are binding. In the event of conflicting decisions, the most recent decision will prevail. However, provisions of the Guidance Code supersede all Board of Trustee decisions.

Proposed Version: – Article VIII – Board of Trustees – Section 1A.

All decisions of the Board of Trustees, passed in the form of a motion are binding. In the event of conflicting decisions, the most recent decision will prevail. The Recovery and Unity Programs and provisions of the Guidance Code should guide all Board of Trustee decisions.

Bob C. – Area 3A – San Diego, California

1st Vote For 61 Against 23


10. – LITERATURE – Guidance Code Change – Item #41 in Pleasanton

Article VII – Groups – Section 1. – To change Article VII – Groups – Section 1. redefining the definition of a group to encourage use of the Gamblers Anonymous Group Handbook, and redefine the role of the Gamblers Anonymous Guidance Code as it relates to a group.

Current Version: – Article VII -Groups – Section 1:
Whenever two or more persons with a desire to stop gambling meet together on a regular, weekly scheduled basis to discuss their gambling problems, they will be known as a group, only if they commit themselves to follow Gamblers Anonymous Guidance Code and limit their use, display and distribution to only approved and appropriate Gamblers Anonymous literature. They are also to notify the International Service Office (I.S.O.) of their existence. Failure to comply with Guidance Code will result in the meeting no longer being recognized as part of Gamblers Anonymous and such meeting will be removed from the International Service Office directory of meetings.

Proposed Version: – Article VII – Groups Section 1.

Whenever two or more persons with a desire to stop gambling meet together to discuss their gambling problem, they will be known as a group, provided they have no other group affiliation, and receive no outside support. It is encouraged that each group follow the Gamblers Anonymous Guidance Code and Group Handbook and limit the use, display and distribution to only approved and appropriate Gamblers Anonymous literature. They are also to notify the International Service Office (I.S.O.) of their existence. Failure to comply with Guidance Code will result in the meeting no longer being recognized as part of Gamblers Anonymous and such meeting will be removed from the International Service Office directory of meetings.

Bob C. – Area 3A – San Diego, California

1st Vote For 49 Against 22


11. – LITERATURE – Guidance Code Change – Item #42 in Pleasanton

Article V, Section 1- Summary of Operations – Motion 1. Guidance Code Change
To change Article V – Summary of Operations Section 1:9 International Executive Secretary adding Office Manager to the category and removing all page numbers

Current Version: – Article V – Summary of Operations – Section 1:
The Fellowship shall be guided in our overall program as follows:
Category Article Page
1 Members IV, V, VI 2-4
2 Groups VII 4-6
3 Board of Trustees VIII, IX, XVII, XVIII 6-13; 25-26
4 Intergroup Guidelines X 13-15
5 Regional Service Office XI 16-18
6 Area Delegates XII 18
7 Board of Regents XIII, XIV 18-22
8 International Service Office XV 22
9 International Executive Secretary XVI 22-25
10 Voting XIX 27
11 Amendments XX 28

Proposed Version: – Article V – Summary of Operations – Section 1:
The Fellowship shall be guided in our overall program as follows:
Category Article
1 Members IV, V, VI
2 Groups VII
3 Board of Trustees VIII, IX, XVII, XVIII
4 Intergroup Guidelines X
5 Regional Service Office XI
6 Area Delegates XII
7 Board of Regents XIII, XIV
8 International Service Office XV
9 International Executive Secretary & Office Manager XVI
10 Voting XIX
11 Amendments XX

Bob C. – Area 3A – San Diego, California

1st Vote For 76 Against 5 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. – LITERATURE – Current Literature – Item #44 in Pleasanton

By-Laws – Article III — Directors Section 7 – Change “…Under Special Circumstances, absence from a Board meeting may be excused by a majority vote of the Board of Regents in attendance…” to “…Absence from a Board meeting may be excused by the Chairman of the Board of Regents…”

Current Version: Section 7:  A Regent is automatically removed from office on missing two (2) consecutive regular board meetings or when any Regent has missed four (4) regular meetings during their two (2) year term inclusive of the mandatory June meeting immediately following the election of the Board of Regents, or for not maintaining regular attendance at G.A. meetings as prescribed by the Guidance Code. Under special circumstances, absence from a Board meeting may be excused by a majority vote of the Board members in attendance.

Proposed Version: Section 7: A Regent is automatically removed from office on missing two (2) consecutive regular board meetings or when any Regent has missed four (4) regular meetings during their two (2) year term inclusive of the mandatory June meeting immediately following the election of the Board of Regents, or for not maintaining regular attendance at G.A. meetings as prescribed by the Guidance Code. Absence from a Board meeting may be excused by the Chairman of the Board of Regents.

Jack R. for John C. – Area 1A – Orange County, California

1st Vote Item passed.


13. – LITERATURE – Current Literature — Item #45 in Pleasanton

By-Laws – Article III — Directors Section 6 –

Change 200 miles wherever it appears to 100 miles.

Change “…if approved by a majority of the Board members in physical attendance…” to “will be granted by the Chairman of the Board of Regents”.

Current Version: –  Section 6: Five (5) members of the Board of Regents shall constitute a quorum. The Board of Regents does not acknowledge proxies in any form. If a Board member resides within 200 miles from the International Service Office, physical attendance constitutes presence. For Board members residing within 200 miles, telephonic or video conferencing will constitute presence, Under special circumstances if approved by a majority of the Board members in physical attendance. For those residing outside of 200 miles a physical, telephonic or video conferencing attendance constitutes presence. A maximum of four (4) Regents residing outside of 200 miles of the International Service Office who do not physically attend meetings can be seated at one time.

Proposed Version: –  Section 6:

1. Five (5) members of the Board of Regents shall constitute a quorum.

2.The Board of Regents does not acknowledge proxies in any form.

3. If a Board member resides within 100 miles from the International Service Office, physical attendance constitutes presence.

4. For those residing outside of 100 miles, physical, telephonic, or video conferencing attendance constitutes presence.

5. As trusted servants, requests for telephonic, video, or excused absence will be granted by the Chairman of the Board of Regents.

6. A maximum of four (4) Regents residing outside of 100 miles of the International Service Office who do not physically attend meetings can be seated at one time.

Jack R. for John C. – Area 1A – Orange County, California

1st Vote Item passed ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

14. – NEW LITERATURE -Item #53 in Pleasanton


See Attachment

Paul N – Area 2A – Alaska and British Columbia

1st Vote Item passed




15. – LITERATURE – Current Literature – Item #43 in Pleasanton

Other Existing Literature – Group Handbook – Page 11 – add paragraph.

Add the following sentence as a new paragraph at the bottom of page 11 of the Group Handbook. All minors are welcome at all G.A.meetings as long as they are accompanied by an adult. This is required for both open meetings and closed meetings. There are no exceptions.

Current Version: None.

Proposed Version:  All minors are welcome at all G.A.meetings as long as they are accompanied by an adult. This is required for both open meetings and closed meetings. There are no exceptions.

Ara H. – Area 1 – Central California, Los Angeles Area, and Hawaii


16. – LITERATURE – Guidance Code Change – Item #56 in Pleasanton

Article IV, Declaration, Principles for recovery 3- change ” this Power of our own understanding” to “God as we understood Him”

Current Version: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of this Power of our own understanding.

Proposed Version: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.



17. CURRENT LITERATURE – Step Change – Item #67 in Pleasanton

Change Article IV, Declaration, Principles of Recovery 5 and add the word God.

Current Version: Admitted to ourselves and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Proposed Version: Admitted to God, ourselves and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.


18. – LITERATURE – Guidance Code Change – Item #57 in Pleasanton

Article IV, Declaration, Principles for Recovery 6- change wording “these defects of character removed’ to ” God remove all these defects of character”

Current Version: Were entirely ready to have these defects of character removed

Proposed Version: Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.



19. – STEP CHANGE – Item #58 in Pleasanton

Change A Step – Combo Book, Unity Step #11, page 7. Remove the words “press, radio, films, television and Internet” and replace with “all public media”

Current Version: – Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, films, television and Internet.

Proposed Version: – Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion, we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of all public media.

 Roxanne D – Area 3D – Arizona and New Mexico






20. – Spring 2025 Conference

The Spring 2025 Conference is open for bids.


21. – Fall 2025 Conference

The Fall 2025 Conference is open for bids.


22. – Spring 2026 Conference

The Spring 2026 Conference is open for bids


Discussion / Literature Changes / New Literature


Step Changes / BOT Decisions / Allocations / Committee



Italy (area 25) is requesting one trustee position.

Ara H – Area 1 – Central California, Los Angeles Area, Hawaii



Paraguay (area 35) is requesting one trustee position.

Ara H – Area 1 – Central California, Los Angeles Area, Hawaii


25. CURRENT LITERATURE Guidance Code Change

Guidance Code – Article VIII – Board of Trustees – Section 6A:

Add the words “either physical or virtual “ at the end of the section to allow for online trustee meetings.

Current Version: – Current Trustees who cannot physically attend a Trustee meeting can only be represented by submitting an absentee ballot. The Board of Trustees will designate the voting provisions of absentee ballots. Proxies will not be allowed for any aspect of any Trustee meetings, physical or otherwise.

Proposed Version: – Trustees who cannot physically attend a Trustee meeting can only be represented by submitting an absentee ballot. The Board of Trustees will designate the voting provisions of absentee ballots. Proxies will not be allowed for any aspect of any Trustee meetings, either physical or virtual or otherwise.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee



 Guidance Code – Article VIII – Board of Trustees – Section 9:

Add the words “either physical or virtual “ at the end of the section to allow for online trustee meetings.

Current Version: – To change the Twelve Steps of RECOVERY and Twelve Step UNITY PROGRAM, it shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority by not less than the physical presence of 2/3 of the eligible voting members of the Board of Trustees at two (2) consecutive physical meetings.

Proposed Version: – To change the Twelve Steps of RECOVERY and Twelve Step UNITY PROGRAM, it shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority by not less than the physical or verified virtual presence of 2/3 of the eligible voting members of the Board of Trustees at two (2) consecutive meetings either physical or virtual meetings.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee



Guidance Code Change

Guidance Code – Article VIII – Board of TrusteesSection 11: Remove the word “physical after the word consecutive and add the words after the word meetings “either physical or virtual,” to allow for online trustee meetings

Current Version: – The Board of Trustees unequivocally will have the sole right to add to, delete or change any word of the Twelve Steps of RECOVERY, the Twelve Step UNITY PROGRAM and Page 8 the Twenty Questions. All Gamblers Anonymous literature or books must be first approved by the Board of Trustees before being published. No changes can be made in any Gamblers Anonymous literature by the International Service Office (I.S.O.) without the approval of the Board of Trustees. Changes can only be made by the Board of Trustees at two (2) consecutive physical meetings of the Board of Trustees. Deletions of any literature must be done by the same procedure used to approve them, omitting any procedures through a merit vote

Proposed Version: – The Board of Trustees unequivocally will have the sole right to add to, delete or change any word of the Twelve Steps of RECOVERY, the Twelve Step UNITY PROGRAM and Page 8 the Twenty Questions. All Gamblers Anonymous literature or books must be first approved by the Board of Trustees before being published. No changes can be made in any Gamblers Anonymous literature by the International Service Office (I.S.O.) without the approval of the Board of Trustees. Changes can only be made at two (2) consecutive meetings either physical or virtual, of the Board of Trustees. Deletions of any literature must be done by the same procedure used to approve them, omitting any procedures through a merit vote.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee


28. CURRENT LITERATURE Guidance Code Change

Article IX – Officers of the Board of Trustees Section 2: Add the words “either physical or virtual” after the word meeting, in the section talking about an election for a new #2 Co-Chair will be held at the next Board of Trustees meeting

Current Version: – If the Chair is temporarily unable to carry out the duties and responsibilities required of that office, then the #1 Co-Chair will contemporaneously handle such issues, until the Chair is able to resume those same issues. Consent to do so, must be unanimously agreed upon by the remaining members of the Executive Board and the International Executive Secretary. If any Executive Board member is permanently unable to carry out the duties and responsibilities of their respective positions, all remaining Executive Board members will move up to the next higher position. An election for a new #2 Co-Chair will be held at the next physical Board of Trustees meeting to fill the resultant open position on the Executive Board.

Proposed Version: – If the Chair is temporarily unable to carry out the duties and responsibilities required of that office, then the #1 Co-Chair will contemporaneously handle such issues, until the Chair is able to resume those same issues. Consent to do so, must be unanimously agreed upon by the remaining members of the Executive Board and the International Executive Secretary. If any Executive Board member is permanently unable to carry out the duties and responsibilities of their respective positions, all remaining Executive Board members will move up to the next higher position. An election for a new #2 Co-Chair will be held at the next Board of Trustees meeting, either physical or virtual, to fill the resultant open position on the Executive Board.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee


29. CURRENT LITERATURE Guidance Code Change

Article XVII – Area Location of Trustees

To remove the word physical before “Trustee meeting” to allow for online Trustee meetings.

Current Version: – Existing areas that wish to redefine their borders, new areas previously not covered by any other Gamblers Anonymous area that wish to be recognized, and new areas that wish to be recognized by splitting off from existing areas in any configuration, may submit agenda items to accomplish this at any physical Trustee meeting, as needed by the areas concerned, providing they follow such procedures, as outlined in the Guidance Code. This also applies for any area that wishes to change the number of Trustees allocated to them.

Proposed Version: – Existing areas that wish to redefine their borders, new areas previously not covered by any other Gamblers Anonymous area that wish to be recognized, and new areas that wish to be recognized by splitting off from existing areas in any configuration, may submit agenda items to accomplish this at any Trustee meeting, as needed by the areas concerned, providing they follow such procedures, as outlined in the Guidance Code. This also applies for any area that wishes to change the number of Trustees allocated to them.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee


30. CURRENT LITERATURE Guidance Code Change

Article XVIII – Election of Trustees – Section 7:

To remove the word physical before the word meeting and add the words Board of Trustees to allow for online trustee meetings.

Current Version: – Election for the Chair of the Board of Trustees and any other officer of the Board of Trustees will take place at the first physical meeting in the odd year. Current trusted servants carry on until trusted servants are elected.

Proposed Version: – Election for the Chair of the Board of Trustees and any other officer of the Board of Trustees will take place at the first Board of Trustees meeting in the odd year. Current trusted servants carry on until trusted servants are elected.

Butch G – Digital Meeting Committee
