Trustee Line – Current Issue

Trustee Line – Current Issue

May 2024

A PDF version of this issue to distribute to your rooms, or to print out for easier reading, will be available after last day of the month on the archives page

Thoughts From The Trustees – Current and Past

Disclaimer – The Trustee Line is a function of the Board of Trustees of Gamblers Anonymous. It is intended solely as a forum for members of the Board of Trustees to share opinions on issues related to Gamblers Anonymous. Any postings in this or any other edition of the Trustee Line are not to be construed as the opinion of Gamblers Anonymous, as a whole. The publication of any items on the Trustee Line does not constitute an endorsement or statement of approval or acknowledgment by Gamblers Anonymous of what the contents are.

The subjects listed below are themes that have been submitted by other Trustees. You may respond to any of them, or start an entirely new subject

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Subjects that receive submissions from at least 13 different people, will trigger an email blast to all the current and past Trustees, signifying a ‘Hot Topic Alert’ on the Trustee Line.

Item  Subject Last Entry Entries
1. Minors at meetings – 5/31/2024- 2-
6. -,

1.Minors at GA meetings  
Monday, May 27,2024 
Concerning the discussion about minors at meetings, I have a few concerns about this topic. I believe it would violate Unity step 3 as currently written. It states any one with desire to stop gambling is welcome and not any one over 18 is welcome. Also each state has different ages  to define minors . How do we handle that. What are we supposed to have some one at door checking ID which would be ridiculous. Another thing is it would eliminate closed meetings , where only gamblers can attend. If because of legal issues, let’s get a procedure and policy in place to handle situations that might come up. I would like to hear if anyone has thoughts about this discussion. Thanks
Joe L –  Former trustee – Area 11- Massachusetts

Friday, May 31, 2024
As a Trustee with nearly 37 years in the program, I am most uncomfortable with he current push by the Trustees to adopt a ONE-SIZE-FITS-All solution to the issue of minors at GA meetings.  First, a minor is not a minor is not a minor.  While compulsive gambling affects a 14 or 15 year-old as much as it does an 18 year-old, their ability to comprehend the totality of what is going on will probably not be the same.  Having a responsible adult accompany that minor can often be a bridge to that comprehension.  Having attended meetings over the years where an occasional 14- or 15 year-old comes into the room, it is ALWAYS with a parent or a responsible adult to serve as a buffer.  If that adult perceives the room to be “safe”, the young teen is then welcome to attend the meeting by themselves.  But that is by group conscience based on the parent’s preferences, not by a ruling that comes from on high.  Instead of rigidly invoking Unity Step 3 and stopping there, how about considering Unity Step 4, “each group should be self-governing…” as a guide to how this situation should be handled?
 Jack R – Current Trustee – Area: 1A – California –







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